I just found out that China has the world largest Artificial Weather Program. To prepare the city for the Olympics, China made it rain to clear out some smog and to cool the city down. The government shot pellets filled with silver-iodide particle in the air. Moisture tends to gather around silver-iodide, thus creating heavy clouds and rainfall.

The cooler weather made it possible for my 2 hour hike up to the peak of XiangShan (aka Western/Fragrant Hills). XiangShan is a mountain North-West of the city center. It's been the inspiration for many renowned Chinese poets dating back to at least the 1200's.

Beijing from the peak of XiangShan:

This city is huge.. I couldn't capture the whole thing with my little camera.

The Chinese Olympic Dolls (wasn't too fond of them at first, they've kind of grown on me now):


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